From what I have understood from the song it is about the easy and complicated aspects of a relationship, often how it is too complicated to get into so things should be enjoyed. On this note of both complication and simplicity throughout the song I have decided that I will include different props with cannote these themes :
(screen shot from my first filming attempt)
- The masks - the Animal masks are an idea I had from the beginning, I wasn't totally sure how I would make them work or how they would fit in with my music video but I thought that the whole idea of confusion of people with masks on would really work during my music video. Luckily with this song what I have decided is that I may get away with the idea of the animals masks if they cannote the idea of complication, I believe that they can do this as the audience will be wondering why it is that the people are wearing masks therefore adding an air of confusion to the video, like the confusion and complication of the song.
- The tea - I then decided that if the complication was represented in my music video then the simplicity needed to be shown to the audience as well. I spent a long time thinking about things which represent a sense of simplicity whilst my actors wear the masks. I tried to think of things which didn't just appeal to me and eventually I decided that a cup of tea is a universal symbol of sitting back and relaxing, especially in Britain. It was hard to think of ways to incorporate this idea, however I decided that I would just have my characters drinking the tea, sat looking relaxed but with the masks on, still allowing the audience to question aspect of the video and reinforcing the complication at the same time.
- Relationship - I also wanted to make it significant and clear that the couple in my conceptual part of my music video are in a relationship and are not brother and sister - I didn't know if this would seem the case if they were wearing the same animal masks. Because of this I decided that I would have to put in points where they were holding hands ect to symbolise their relationship.

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