Tuesday 13 March 2012

Filming for the last time.

Filming for the last time was a little stressful as my actor didn't wear all of the same clothes and it was hard then to shoot and long distance shots. I did manage to re-shoot my out of framed side shots though which I am now much happier with. I finally got better shots of nature though to fill in the little gaps between the performance and conceptual elements of my video. If I had a change I think that there are parts which I would still like to re-shoot again, however, I think I edited to the best of my ability with the stuff that I had and I do prefer my second attempt to my first draft of my music video. I think that this is mainly due to the lighting, as it was bright to film on my last day and therefore the shots look a lot nicer aesthetically and syntactically flow a lot better because of this. I believe that my music video denotes the message that I want it too with the couple in the forest representing the couple being sung about but with the use of the masks and shots of the surroundings, I hope that I was able to capture more of the meaning to the song that nothing really makes sense and things should be more simple. I am afraid that this message might not get across to all of my audience when watching it, the tea drinking shots in particular which I deemed to be iconic a of relaxation and little care.

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