Friday, 24 February 2012

Music video - First draft.

I am aware that there is many parts of my music video which I need to re-do, such as shots which are cut off at the head due to poor framing, I also need to find more shots of nature which aren't dull and more of a variety so that I can stop having to use the same ones again during the video. I also think that I may have to capture some more shots with the two characters, however, this is harder to do as it can be hard to think of things to do with them other than what I already have them doing. I am actually quite happy with the editing and the pace of it and personally believe that it fits well with the music, even if it does need slight tweaking in places. I am going to get my teacher to watch it and let him decide if he agrees with me on what I need to change or if he thinks there are other aspects of the video which are more important to change.

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