I thought that I would look deeper into the clothing of the genre and focus on people to see how their styles could fit into my music video. Firstly I focused on the female character, I thought that this would be the easiest thing to do as there is only one female that I would need to be shooting. However it was harder than I thought to find indie/indie rock female artists and their styles which I thought could apply to my ideas:

Florence Welsh - 'Florence and The Machine' - I looked into Florence Welsh as I decided that her music was from the indie genre, however I didn't feel that she fell into the indie folk genre as that is something which I think is easily crossed into with many artists, however I don't believe the band I am focusing on have that folk element to them. From looking at her style I decided that she is often quite eccentric in many ways and sometimes almost over the top. From these discoveries I think that the coat I used in my first shoot for the female had potential to still fit into my music video. However I am going to consider other clothes that could fit in also.

I focused on the males next, both the male characters and the males who will be playing the band. For the band I decided that I would use a very typical indie rock looks with just t-shirts/shirts/jeans/converse shoes ... that sort of style, as expected on the genre as they are going to be inside it won't matter if they are or aren't wearing anything warm to cannote the weather like my characters in the conceptual part of the music video are. My main inspiration when trying to look at male clothing was bands such as Arctic Monkeys and You Me At Six who I have constantly found inspirational throughout research.

I also got looking in to the band themselves and have found this image for them helpful it is also set in the woods just like my conceptual based idea and has therefore given me more ideas to consider in terms of clothing, however, now it is December I think that it would be very unlikely that my male character will not have to wear a coat.
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